Image: Cocks Not Glocks Facebook page. Artist: Aubrey Langford.
If you happen to be on the University of Texas, Austin campus on Wednesday, August 24th, be prepared to rock out with your cock out. Well, your dildo out.
Jessica Jin, a student at UT Austin, has organized a campus protest called Cocks Not Glocks in which students will carry dildos to class to show opposition to a new campus gun law that went into effect earlier this month.
SB 11 was signed by Governor Greg Abbot back in 2015, and it gives people with the proper licensing the right to carry concealed weapons on college campuses. Students and staff have expressed grave safety concerns over that idea.
Also on the books in the annals of Texas law are prohibitions against obscenity on college campuses, including “any writing or visual image, or engag[ing] in any public performance, that is obscene”. Presumably, that includes the non-concealed carry of a dildo.
Or, as Jin puts it on the Cocks Not Glocks website, “You would receive a citation for taking a dildo to class before you would get in trouble for taking a gun to class.”
Event organizers are encouraging students (and alumni, and anyone else who feels like showing solidarity) to carry a dildo around on August 24th to draw attention to the sheer absurdity of laws that favor gun slingers over cock-slingers.
The attitude of Jin and fellow protestors is, “You're carrying a gun to class? Yeah, well, I'm carrying a HUGE DILDO. Just about as effective at protecting us from shooters, but much safer for recreational play!”
Jin has collected over 4,000 dildos donated by various sex toy makers for the protest, and 10,000 people have said they plan to participate via the Cocks Not Glocks Facebook page. Stay tuned to the Cocks Not Glocks Twitter account for photos and updates!
Image: Aubrey Langford